But reviews are tough. For me, they're tough because my book hasn't reached that many readers. I'm proud to say that I've reached 300 books sold, but in the grand scheme of things that isn't a lot. I'm not interested in making a profit. I'm interested in knowing what people think of my product (I wish I could give my book for free but distribution doesn't make that possible). Is it great, bad, terrible, ok, meh? And 22 reviews gives me some good insight but there's a bit missing.
For example, 2 reviews gave it 3 stars. Their biggest complaints were that the book is too short. Does this warrant a 3 instead of a 4 or 5? Or does it say, the book was good and ended too soon? I can't really tell from those 2 reviews. Some people like short and sweet. But do most?
This isn't a way to get more reviews, rather a way of seeking help. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can expand my readership? I feel as though I've tried a few things, but not much is working. Sadly, I don't have a lot of time on my hands to dedicate on promotion, but there has to be some efficient ways of doing this that bring in results, right? Nonetheless, I think reviews are tough. What if I'm asking for reviews and, if I do get the bulk I want, I don't like what I hear? Oh the struggles of the self publishing world. On a positive note, I'll be putting up some works in progress on my blog soon. Maybe It Runs at Night won't be the only work I self publish...
As always, click the link below the image if you're interested in picking up a copy of the book.
As always, click the link below the image if you're interested in picking up a copy of the book.
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